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Wow, where do I start!

   I am fortunate enough to have in my life someone who lets me really be me, and if it weren't for that, I would never be able to write the things I do without inhibition.

I am a lover of life, and fantasy. I love science and the realms of possibilities the universe brings us.  I play with puppets and love  the outdoors.  I love to laugh until my nose bleeds! (Not kidding, it really happened one time while my son and I were laughing uncontrollably at each other!)

I do not believe we have one single purpose, but at the very least we need to enjoy the life we have, and explore as much of it as we possibly can. (And dagnammit be good to each other!)

Life is fleeting, as are we humans in the grand scheme of things.
You will never find one type of genre that I settle upon, although no matter what the story, I do enjoy a good twist, and a bit of humor, no matter how dark.
some kids in the world!!! And now I have a beautiful grandson!!!!  The picture here is when he was three months old, and now he is 7 years old, and AMAZING!

I would post a picture of my gorgeous husband but he would scold me for making his mug more public than I already have!
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